Anyways, learnt Adobe Flash today! It was pretty hard, I gotta admit... But really cool, once you know what you're doing - same goes for anything in life. Flash supposedly allows you to well, create interactive stuff and animation of course. For websites, mostly. We learnt how to animate a Pacman (which I failed miserably at and couldn't catch on at all), amongst other things. Hopefully we won't have a graded tutorial for this software.
Then, when I got home and started to pull down the blinds of my work study - (okay, I admit, I don't have my own room! Ughh!) and there IT was. The shadow of a baby lizard. Its tail was wiggling. Its head was moving. Too gross. I pulled the blinds back up. No idea if it died that way, 'cos I saw a carcass. The next minute I turned and looked back up, it was gone!! *shivers*
“A man who won't die for something is not fit to live. “
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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