Created with Facebook, of course. Gotta love Lord Voldy's display pic!
Ha. They're sitting in egg chairs.
4 Horcruxes and 2 Hallows. These were on display at Comic-Con!
Next up! Some more hilarities between the werewolf and the sparkly fairy from Twilight! These little convos never fail to crack me up!
Thank God... And I thought people had forgotten about Pikachu already!!
Crummy church sign. Still, Dunkin' Donuts rocks.
Glee's Chris Colfer takes a fun pic with Pinocchio. Total twins!
True that.
The Sucker Punch movie poster released! I never knew it would turn out like this. Imagined this to be another chick flick. Vanessa Hudgens looks waaaay different - but so much edgier! Lovin' it. Turns out, Jamie Chung (DCOM's PPP) and Emily Browning (my fave! She acted in A Series of Unfortunate Events in 2004 alongside Johnny Depp!)
Anyways, my cuz agreed to go shopping with me today. Guess what - she backed out at the last minute. Just as I had already left my house and gotten on a bus there and everything. Big surprise. This wasn't the first time already. She's done it to me like five times... and counting. I'm so not going with her on this one ever again. Mark my words. I've had ENOUGH. To make things worse, I was gonna change buses and another idiotic maniac of a driver drove past the stop like he hadn't seen me flag it down. FFFFFUUUUUUU. All right, I know I had been Tumblring too much, so I'm still learning its ways! ;D
All right I'm too flamed to talk about all this now. So anyways, I went on to shop ALONE. I got some pretty good loot in 3 hours though! So here's what I got today...
Bought one more of THE CLIQUE summer collection! I've got Massie, Claire (and now Kristen!) so far. Two more to go (Dylan and Alicia)! This is my newest guilty pleasure (aside from Barbie movies!). Got 2 sets of rings too! The rounded, large silver one is actually a locket! Too cool, and I paid just 12 bucks for it! The set of three rings were too cheap, at just 5 bucks. Still, I love them! They read HOPE, FAITH and LOVE on each separate ring!
Went to an Arts and Craft's store. Got styrofoam board worth 3 bucks, a pink felt cloth (loooove it!) and white pom poms and modelling clay! The felt and pom poms - I plan to make mini hamster party hats outta them! More deets in later posts.
“Never mistake motion for action.”
- Ernest Hemingway

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