And I got a new music theory book for Grade 5 today!! ;D Okay, I've seriously no idea why I'm so ecstatic about it. Music theory is one of the most boring subjects ever, right after marketing and philosophy or something.
ABOVE: It's an ugly cover of nude color...
Anyways, after my music lesson, I rushed over to town to meet up with one of my teammates, Livia to do some video-editing! It was pretty fun, but it gets tiring and a wee bit annoying after a bit. You have to keep moving tracks and clips or whatevs forward everything you make changes and slice some parts at the front to keep to the frickin' time limit (5 MINUTES!!). We had to find suitable music to fit into the short movie too. It turned out all pretty good in the end ;D Livia had tons of Korean/Japanese soundtracks that were all dramz or dreamy-like! She helped out with the darned storyboards too! I've no idea why my impulses always lead me to draw real complicated ad detailed stuff. It's a far cry from her simple stick figures!After we were done, turns out she was headed the same place as I did! Would have taken the train instead of the bus if I didn't find out from her (which has far longer travelling time!).
Below's a random picture of my mother's apple juice (cocktail?) glass from dinner! Love it! I'm well aware there are two figures in the background. They just couldn't lean far away enough! And I'm too LAZY to crop out the stuff. Ciao xx
"A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner."
- English Proverb

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