Doing these things can help you become a better writer:
1. Become a blogger. Been there, done that.
2. Use self-imposed word limits. Like Twitter - with its 140 characters limit? Every day of my life!
3. Accept all forms of criticism and learn to grow from it. It gives you a whole new sense of maturity! But nope, never taken well to criticism.
4. Read what you’ve written over and over, until you can’t find any more problems. Hey, I do that in essays in the past!
5. Show what you write to a trusted friend for feedback. My first ever story called 'Melanie Rose' got ravin' reviews... I wish.
6. Outline. And then write to that outline. How on earth does this help with writing?
7. Edit, and edit again. Duh. Where would the world's best be without failure?
8. Live with passion. This one's a 'never before done' for me.
9. Be open, curious, present, and engaged. Ditto.
10. Take a break between writing and editing. I need one now! Still 63 more to go down the list!
11. Learn a new word a day. I wouldn't count cuss words... Nah, I kid!
12. Get the pen and fingers moving. This is so obvious. Why is this even here on the list?!
13. Write in different genres: blog posts, poems, short stories, essays. Hurrah, I've done them all (but never completed)! The one I'm most proud of is called - wait! I shouldn't reveal the title. COPYRIGHT policy, people!
14. Read grammar books. Yep, this one's a dunner.
15. Write without distractions. I'm always getting distracted.
16. Challenge yourself: write in a crowded cafe, write on the toilet, write for 24 hours straight. All right, I'm taking up the challenge...someday!
17. Take a trip. Road trips, beach trips, bus trips, plane trips. God knows how many trips I've gone in the past.
18. Watch movies. Can you write the story better? BWatching movies, duh. Better script? Well!
19. Write. And then write some more. Okay, I ain't gonna bother commenting this. It's getting boring.
20. Read, think, read, write, ponder, write – and read some more. Ditto.
21. Read your stuff aloud to anyone who can stand it – including the cat. I used to read out my homemade scripts about princes and princesses to myself. Does that count?
22. Go back and cut 10% from your word count. Noooo waaaay!!!
23. Talk to people. Bahhh.
24. Listen to how people talk. I do this on a daily basis. It's a wonder my earlobes don't elongate.
25. Read lots of books. Both good and bad. Yaaaay I've been WAITING for this one to come up! I don't encounter many bad writing in books. Why? Oh yeah, that's 'cos I know how to choose!
26. Make notes of your (fleeting) brilliant ideas. I even drew out a map of a mystical forest for my novel about well, mystical creatures.
27. Start your writing ahead of time – not hours before a deadline. I ALWAYS come in at the eleventh hour!
28. Listen to podcasts on writing tips. Seriously, I've never listened to a podcast, ever.
29. Use simple, declarative sentences. Yeah, I love simple sentences.
30. Avoid passive voice. *Shhht I know this! I've learnt what passive voice is in English last year and many years before that!
31. Limit your use of adjectives and adverbs. Never used them much to begin with!
32. When in doubt, cut it out. F*** yeah!
33. Kill clunky sentences. Don't I always?
34. Be inspired by other art forms – music, dance, sculpture, painting. I love this one. The arts is the greatest!
35. Read your old stuff and acknowledge how far you’ve come – and how far you have to go. I don't dig into my past if I can help it.
36. Write for publication, even if it’s only for the local newsletter or a small blog. I hope this opportunity comes up someday!
37. Make writing your priority in the morning. I can barely do anything in the morning, much less write!
38. Keep squeezing words out even if you feel uninspired. Can't do this... anymore...!!
39. Tell everyone: “I’m a writer.” I wouldn't dare do this unless I'm a professional, VALID one!
40. Recognize your fear and overcome it. My fears are insects, spiders, snakes, lizards, lift doors closing... I could go on. I'm slowly overcoming in the latter though! I don't fear lift doors so much now ;D
41. Let your articles rest and then return to them with fresh eyes. Coolie, I do this!
42. Comment on your favorite blogs. I ❤ comments! Want people to comment on yours? Then comment theirs!
43. Keep a journal to keep the writing juices flowing. Do online journals (i.e.blogs!!) count? I'll take it as a yes ;)
44. Use a journal to sort out your thoughts and feelings. I'm not THAT overemotional!
45. Keep it simple. I'm a tad too complex.
46. Practice monotasking. Set a timer for uninterrupted writing. I listen to music when I write. Hey, it helps too!
47. Watch people. I do this on a daily basis too. Blahhh. I feel like Harriet the Spy as I said that.
48. Get to know someone different from you and reflect on the experience. I'll think about this for a bit.
49. Try new ideas or hobbies – the more variety you have in your life, the more likely you are to keep on generating good ideas on the page. I love taking up new stuff in life! Next on my list? Horse-riding! Archery doesn't do well for my achy arms.
50. Read works from different cultures. It helps keep your writing from tasting stale in the mouths of your readers. They're worlds apart.
51. Rethink what is ‘normal’. Nothing is normal in this place.
52. Work on brilliant headlines. Do titles of novels count? I love coming up with new lines!
53. Check if your assumptions are right. I don't do investigation that much.
54. Join a writing group. If you can’t find one, form one. Sign me up. I'm not that good an organizer to create one of my own. Besides, it would probably have a ZERO turnout.
55. Write during your most productive hours of the day. I'm beginning to tire. This one's a yes.
56. Designate time to research. Research does not sit well with moi.
57. Take time to muse and mindmap. I muse, I hate flowcharts and planning maps.
58. Map out a writing schedule for your project and stick to it. I never, EVER stick to my schedules. Procrastination yeah!
59. Ask someone else to proofread. I just found a rad editor for my novel-blog!
60. Read Zinsser’s “On Writing Well” at least once a year. Never heard of it.I'll Google it now! (*Later* Oh, it's a book.)
61. Break out of your comfort zone. I'm always in my own li'l bubble.
62. Write at the scene. If you want to write about a beach, get a picnic rug and go write by the sea. I've never found the time to do this. I would feel kinda stupid doing that though...
63. Go to the supermarket, the ball game, the class room, the building site. Make notes of the sensuous details, the atmosphere, the people. Yep, this does feel so Harriet the Spy.
64. Start with metaphors and stories. This is an interesting one. Too bad I've no idea where to start.
65. Approach writing with gratitude, not just with a ‘must do this’ attitude. Yes, thank the Lord we harness the power of language!
66. Deconstruct and analyze books and articles you enjoy. Like what I'm doing now, reviewing an article.
67. Know about story architecture. Many writers don’t. Which is like doing heart surgery or flying an airliner by intuition. Survival rates are low. Okay, this somehow makes me feel extremely worried for my future.
68. Socialize with other writers. Do other students count as writers too? :3
69. Stretch or exercise in between writing. OMGosh, I sooo do this!
70. Make a note of ideas for further development before you leave a piece for tomorrow. Yeeess! Just 3 more to go!
71.Use mindmaps for inspiration. Like, I said - I hate mindmapping.
72. Take risks – don’t be afraid to shock. You are not who you think you are. Oh aren't I? (Me trying to sound all mysterious @_@)
73. [Please add your own suggestions in the comment section belooowww!]
* - All right, I don't remember what passive voice is at all. Who can help me out here?
* - All right, I don't remember what passive voice is at all. Who can help me out here?
Now check out this insanely GROSS and bizarre picture of Justin Bieber as a LADY and Lady Gaga. The meanie who put JB's head on a woman's body (Victoria Beckham's?) added pink lips for him too. Bah. I love the bow made outta hair on Gaga's head though!
"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't."
- Erica Jong

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